Nursing a Courage Hangover

When we live a courageous life, some days
Will be better than others. Know your goals.
You get to be you, grow and reappraise
The arc of your life. You may change your role
And frighten your friends. They change too you’ll find.
Some promising friendships just don’t flourish.
Some hurt. This happens to us all. Unwind
Friendships that did, but no longer, nourish.
And notice where you’re vulnerable to guilt
And over-functioning. Ask “Why am I
Abandoning my dreams?” You are not built
To deny your life. Be your best ally.
This takes courage. It may hurt for a while.
But where your heart weeps, your soul may smile*.
-By Allegra Jordan, 2019.

*Rumi famously wrote, “When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the spirit laughs for what it has found.”